Ask Jack: Isn't The Civic Just… Smashing?

Jack Baruth
by Jack Baruth

We all have our perversions, and here’s mine: I will always have a soft spot for ugly-duckling products that were eclipsed by the competition or cannibalized by their own relatives. First example: the Apple 3 (properly yclept Apple ///). We don’t have time here to discuss how and why the “business-focused” 8-bit Apple failed, but I will forever cherish the fact that Apple put out a service bulletin for improperly seated microchips where the fix was to pick it up and drop it like it was hot — because it was, in fact, too hot.

I could go on… and I will! The Fender Jazzmaster, the Omega Seamaster, the Members Only jacket that cost slightly more because it had a zipper breast pocket instead of the elastic-clinch one, the F-111. Show me something that didn’t quite catch the imagination of the public, and you will have my complete attention. If the reason for that lack of public attention has to do with the product involved being just a little bit too complex, demanding, fussy, or eccentric — well then, my friend, we are really cooking.

One such example of that in the automotive world was the fifth-generation Maxima, sold here from 2000-2003, with particular emphasis on the 3.5-liter, six-speed, limited-slip bad boys produced in the second half of the run. Those were slick-looking, powerful, deeply satisfying automobiles… that had absolutely zero appeal for the credit criminals and shifty-eyed fast-food night managers who, by my scientific calculations, make up ninety-six-point-three percent of Nissan’s customer base. Those people didn’t see the reason to buy a Maxima when they could get an Altima for less.

As a consequence, the sixth-generation Maxima became a giant Altima, the seventh-generation Maxima became a rarity, and the eighth-generation Maxima became a rental car.

Robert asks,

Something’s been bothering me ever since the new Civic came out. A couple of recent articles illuminate: “Camry Crusher”, and “Over the first 11 months of 2017, U.S. Camry volume tops tha IIIt of the Accord by just over 43,000 units.”

Civic “crushes” Camry, and Camry outsells Accord. Is the Accord’s biggest competition the new Civic? It’s practically as big as an Accord, and a very nice place to spend time in. I’ve seen this movie before, with the Altima and the Maxima. It didn’t end well for the Maxima. Is the new Civic too good?

There’s no doubt that today’s Civic is larger on the outside, and not that much smaller on the inside, than the Accords that made Honda an everyday sight across this United States. My little three-piece family does just fine in an Accord Coupe, which means we would also do just fine in a Civic sedan. The modern Civic is faster, quieter, and more feature-laden than those Accords of old, too. Combine that with the 10th-generation Accord’s partial metamorphosis into a near-luxury sedan, and it’s reasonable to ask if Honda hasn’t accidentally cut its own throat. Surely an Accord is more profitable than a Civic, and surely Honda would rather sell an Accord than a Civic. That’s tough to accomplish if the cheaper car meets the needs of most customers.

What I’d like to suggest in response to Robert, however, is this: The reason the Civic is outselling the Accord has very little to do with the Civic and absolutely everything to do with the CR-V. As the current base of Accord buyers ages, they are more and more likely to swap out for a higher seating position and less perceived hassle of operation. While I don’t personally believe that a CR-V matches an Accord for space and utility — hell, I’m not sure it matches a Civic liftback, come to think of it — the B&B have repeatedly assured me that the CR-V is, in fact, superior to the Accord in most ways.

In a world where the CR-V didn’t exist, or in a world where the Accord Crosstour had been handled a little better, you’d see Accord volume of 600,000 or more in this country, no sweat. Just add the CR-V and the Accord volume together to get an idea of how many they’d sell. It would be the modern equivalent of the chart-toppin’ 1977 Cutlass Supreme. The current sales strength of the Civic, Accord, and CR-V combined indicate that the Big Three have finally lost their remaining hold on their legacy sedan customers. There’s nothing unusual or controversial about buying a Honda anymore. Anyone can do it — and pretty much everyone does, sooner or later.

Speaking personally, I’ve been considering whether or not I wouldn’t be quite happy downsizing from my Accord to a little neon green Civic Si. It’s a neat car. The only reason I’m probably not gonna do it is this: My Accord is almost paid off, and with 53,500 miles on the odometer it still does a passable imitation of a new vehicle. Switching to a Civic would actually cost me money, not save me money. Plus, the Accord Coupe is just so… left-field these days. A two-door, V6, stick-shift front-driver? That’s like… the Apple /// of cars!

[Image: Honda]

Jack Baruth
Jack Baruth

More by Jack Baruth

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8 of 106 comments
  • Jc77 Jc77 on Dec 12, 2017

    In Europe where I come from, Honda itself is the Apple /// of cars. They build most of their models locally (in the UK) and have been desperately trying to market them for decades now; still, no one buys them. Even in Japan itself, where Honda obviously has a nice market share, no one would link this brand to "high quality". They buy them mostly because they're cheap. I rented a 2017 Civic once: after 1,500 feet, I totally understood why. The car might have been roomy and all, but it felt cheap, unrefined and clumsy. The interiors looked like a 1980s Citroën; it had a CVT, which some people might call "smooth", but to me, it felt very slow and unresponsive (even in the dubious "sport" mode, which kept a laughably low gear ratio and was unusable at highway speeds). Some of its technical solutions, such as the 1.5T engine or the rear multilink suspensions, are nothing impressive: European constructors have been using them for a long time now. Honda acts as a fast follower, not an innovator. I also tried a Golf, and even a Mazda 3, and I feel either is a much better car overall: more refined, more responsive, quicker. I'd honestly find no reasons to buy the Civic if you can get either of those. Perhaps Honda has just nailed the perfect recipe for the average American driver, which is the only way I can explain its success here.

    • See 5 previous
    • Jack Baruth Jack Baruth on Dec 13, 2017

      @DeadWeight I'm going to buy a second one just to upset you further.

  • Danny Danny on Dec 13, 2017

    I don't know what an Apple /// is honestly, but I've been driving an IS300 sportcross since spring of this year, and so far left field seems like a pretty nice place to be..

  • AZFelix Nürburgring Nordschleife, Suzuka, Laguna Seca, or Circuit de Monaco as I would also own a mansion and a yacht.
  • Blueice Fabulous write up, Mr Lewis !! What glorious vehicles these cars are.The gal in the drawing, looks like Zsa Zsa Gabor!
  • Blueice Many of these talented men have been hired by carjackers [doordash].
  • Tassos The exterior is a turnoff unless you are a mem ber of the cult that deludes itself that these pieces of junk were 'luxury' cars like the Legendary Euro ones. The damned fins persist, and the roofline screams "chick car".How many dozens of episodes will we do on the damned fins?A car only a sociopath like "batman' would love.
  • Tassos Collectible, NOT Used Car of the Day. But needs too god damned much work, even if you want one of these. More like Murilee's Junk of the day, as most others of Tim's "finds" for the poor and destitute.